Picasso was born in Malaga on October 25 1881, and was living in France by the time he died in April 1973. He was known as 'Pablo Ruiz Picasso' (sometimes people called him by his second name) but that wasn't his full name which was 'Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Clito Ruiz y Picasso'. These are a series of names to honour various saints and relatives.
They say he showed skill for drawing at an early age and that his first words were 'piz, piz' - a short version of 'lápiz', the Spanish word for Pencil. At the age of seven his father decided to give him some formal training, in figure drawing and oil painting. Over the years his father noticed that he was improving to the extent that he was surpassing him and, after a family grievance, was determined to get his son in the School of Fine Arts. With help from his Dad and Uncle, Picasso was sent to Madrid's Royal Academy of San Fernando, the country's foremost art school. After studying in Madrid he left on his first trip to Paris, where his first Parisian friend and room-mate. These were hard times for him as he had to burn his work to keep his room warm. Later he founded a magazine in magazine with Francisco de Asís Soler in Madrid where he illustrated cartoons sympathizing with the poor. From then on Picasso's life changed.
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